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Privacy Policy of Camping Lido Verbano


Continuous technological development, any changes to the legal situation or our services and other reasons may require corrections to our data protection notice. We therefore reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time and we ask you to keep yourself constantly informed of related updates. The user who decides to use the site is invited to read this privacy policy and information on cookies, as well as the rules of in terms of privacy and cookies at the addresses indicated below.​ In compliance with the provisions contained in the EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 and the Privacy Code DL 196/2003 as amended by DL 101/2018, with reference to the processing of personal data carried out, the following privacy and cookies information is provided, to pursuant to art. 13 of the aforementioned Regulation.


Data controller

Dakota srl ​​

with registered office in Via Sempione, 100
28053 Castelletto Ticino (NO)
C.F. and VAT 02503970036
available at any time at the following address: or

Data, purposes and duration of storage

As part of the activity managed by Dakota Srl, various data may be collected for different purposes, as follows:

  • Data collected on digital channels: by browsing the website or on the communication channels of the Campsite, the user can leave his/her data to be contacted. The data collected in this way will be managed to the extent necessary to answer the question posed and will be deleted at the end of the processing.

  • Data necessary for administrative and accounting purposes and for the management of the reservation: the data collected to finalize the reservation and guarantee the services provided for by the regulations during the stay at the facility are used exclusively for these purposes and for administrative, accounting and tax purposes, are strictly necessary for the correct execution of the contract and in the event of failure to provide them will make it impossible to obtain the service requisite. This category also includes documents or credit card details left as a guarantee during the stay, as well as payment information collected through online booking, which is managed through an external payment service provider to which reference is made for the relevant data processing. These data will be stored for the entire duration of the stay and, limited to billing data, for the entire duration provided for by accounting and tax regulations.

  • Data for newsletter: on different occasions and through different methods (paper form, website, membership form) it is possible to subscribe to the newsletter of Camping Lido Verbano with which periodic updates are ensured regarding the proposed activities. Subscribing to this service is optional and the interested party can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the appropriate button available at the bottom of the email so that his data is immediately deleted from our mailing lists

  • Photographic material: Camping Lido Verbano is pleased to document on its institutional channels (social media, website, catalogues), the experiences of its guests and the activities carried out within it, for marketing and promotional purposes. The images will always be taken remotely in contexts that do not compromise the personal dignity and decorum of the interested parties, the places will be filmed as a whole and the collection of close-ups of the guests will be avoided, to prevent direct recognition of the interested party. In the area there are special information signs illustrating this possibility with indications to oppose it. In fact, interested parties at any time can access and view the material collected and exercise their rights by contacting the reception or writing to If the guest does not like to be filmed, he can immediately notify the reception at the time of acceptance, which will make sure to delete any images attributable to him. The photographic material will be published on the campsite’s digital channels and stored in the company network for a maximum of 3 years or until the request for cancellation by the interested party.

  • Promotional initiatives: it is possible that promotional activities and initiatives are organized for which the participation of the interested party is requested. In this case, specific information will be prepared that the user must read and on the basis of which he can give the optional consent expressly provided. Please refer to the documentation used in the individual activity for further information



All data collected to manage bookings and guarantee services during the stay are necessarily shared with all the

partners involved in the provision of the service, formally appointed, including suppliers, consultants,

professionals, companies that support the Data Controller for administrative, accounting, tax and legal

obligations, as well as IT suppliers.

The data collected for promotional purposes are managed through social and Email Marketing platforms that

guarantee their storage within the EU borders and are shared with partner companies specifically appointed for

the management of communication campaigns.

It is not planned to send data outside the European borders


Rights of the data subject

We remind you that according to Chapter III of the GDPR 679/2016 regulation, the data subject has the right to:

  • Request access to your personal data and request its rectification, erasure or restriction of processing.

  • To know the purposes of the processing, the categories of data processed, the recipients to whom the data are communicated, the retention period.

  • Withdraw consent at any time, remembering the consequences of this choice

  • Request the deletion (when possible) of data that is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected,

  • Object to profiling or direct marketing processing

  • Submit a complaint to the Data Protection Authority.

  • Know the subjects to whom personal data may be communicated and verify the extract of the contracts in place with these subjects.

Any requests should be addressed to Camping Lido Verbano by contacting the reception directly or by contacting

the structure at the addresses above. The contact person will provide all the necessary clarifications and

intervene in their databases in all cases where the request is legitimate.

Update December 2024

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